烈火情挑Lake Consequence(1993)


主演:比利·赞恩 琼·塞弗伦斯 

导演:拉斐尔·艾森曼 / Rafael / Eisenman / 编剧:Henry·Cobbold/MacGregor·Douglas/Melanie·Finn


Plot Summary:Irene, a thirty-something housewife with a successfull husband and a young son, has her life thrown in a spin when she becomes attracted to Billy, a member of a landscape crew outside her house. When Irene's husband and son leave for a weekend fishing trip, Irene wanting to see Billy, gets locked in the back of his trailer and ends up at remote Lake Consequence with Billy and his girlfriend Grace where they take Irene on a trip into the nearby town to a Chinese New Year Festival, and through a series of adventures they bring out the repressed sexual needs Irene has been holding inside for a long time.


羽绒服 • 探讨男女性心理比较深刻烈火情挑

还行吧 不过下面的这个电影更符合中国人的胃口http://bbs.66163.com/thread-

gyy •