巴比伦王后La cortigiana di Babilonia(1954)

又名:The Queen of Babylon


主演:朗达·弗莱明 里卡多·蒙特尔班 罗尔达诺·卢皮 卡尔洛·尼奇 Anna Maria Mori Tamara Lees 

导演:卡洛·卢多维克·布拉加利亚 / 编剧:Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia





Plot Summary:In 600 BC, Babylon is conquered by the army of King Assur. When the Chaldean people refuse to submit to his rule, their leader Ahmal (Montalban) flees into the country and is hidden by a beautiful goatherd named Semiramis (Fleming). She is later captured, becomes the King's favorite and is soon made queen. When Ahmal himself is made a prisoner, he believes she has betrayed him. The king's wicked cousin tortures Ahmal and uses both him and Semiramis in his plot to depose the king and seize power for himself. When he does murder Assur, he blames Semiramis and prepares to burn her at the stake. But Ahmal and his people, toiling as slaves in a nearby quarry, are alerted by an informant...
