住校日记 第二季Zoey 101(2005)

又名:在校生日记 / Zoey

主演:杰米·琳·斯皮尔斯 保罗·布切 克里斯托弗·马西 


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住校日记 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Zoey and Nicole return to PCA for the second year. But they soon find out Dana will not be returning, and a very strange roommate, Lola, has come to take her place. The year gets to a bad start for Chase and Michael, because of Logan's very loud gifts from his dad.
新的一学期,Dana因为学校交流计划而离开(事实上,Kristin的离开是由于私人方面的原因)于是来了位新室友Lola Martinez (Victoria Justice),Lola是位很出名的演员。但是在Zoey和Nicole面前隐瞒了她真正的身份。她们之间又将要发生什么有趣的事呢?
