宇宙战舰大和号2199 星巡的方舟宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199 星巡る方舟(2014)


主演:菅生隆之 小野大辅 桑岛法子 铃村健一 大塚芳忠 久川绫 中村绘里子 近木裕哉 国分和人 赤羽根健治 千叶优辉 千叶繁 麦人 土田大 藤原启治 细谷佳正 平川大辅 田中理惠 长岛雄一 木岛隆一 松本忍 森谷里美 藤田咲 内田彩 佐藤利奈 寸石和弘 板取政明 游佐浩二 原泽晃绮 石冢运升 小川真司 江原正士 森功至 东地宏树 雨谷和砂 吉开清人 齐藤次郎 高阶俊嗣 河本启佑 诹访部顺一 园崎未惠 立花慎之介 福松进纱 广桥凉 田坂浩树 宇垣秀成 茂木隆正 大友龙三郎 甲斐田裕子 田中正彦 石井康嗣 滨田贤二 伊势文秀 菊本平 坂卷学 伊藤静 辻亲八 中田让治 茅原实里 大塚明夫 井上喜久子 岩男润子 

导演:出渊裕 / 编剧:出渕裕 Yutaka Izubuchi/高山文彦 Fumihiko Takayama/大野木宽 Hiroshi Ônogi/西崎义展 Yoshinobu Nishizaki/松本零士 Leiji Matsumoto

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宇宙战舰大和号2199 星巡的方舟:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:2199 AD. Yamato tries to leave behind the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy after receiving a Cosmo Reverse System at its destination, Iscandar. However, suddenly it encounters a mysterious group at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The crew finds out that the group is called the Gatlantis, and that its leader is the Gutaba expeditionary force commander who calls himself Goran Dagam of Thunder. The commander demands that Yamato be handed over to him. Yamato, wanting to hurry to Earth, escapes the fray. However, Yamato is attacked by a devastating beam weapon called the Flame Direct Attack Cannon that can transcend space. Yamato is able to retreat, but ends up getting lost and finds itself in a strangely colored irregular dimension. The crew decides to turn off the ship's engine and explore a mysterious planet. In order to collect information Kodai, Kiryuu, Sawamura, Niimi and Aihara land on the planet. What they see when they arrive is a ship that's not supposed to be there. Dagam ...
