毋庸置疑 第四季Above Suspicion(2012)

又名:毋庸置疑4:寂静的叫喊 / Above Suspicion: Silent Scream

主演:凯利·蕾莉 塞伦·希德 肖恩·丁沃 塞林·琼斯 

导演:凯瑟琳·莫斯海德 / 编剧:Lynda La Plante

毋庸置疑 第四季:在线播放

毋庸置疑 第四季:最新迅雷BT资源

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毋庸置疑 第四季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Angered at being passed over for promotion to commander in favour of the younger,less experienced Sam Power,Langton knows it is because of his failure to capture drug dealer Fitzpatrick and believes a staff member informed on him. He now heads the investigation into the murder of temperamental,promiscuous film star Amanda Delany who slept with married men and had a hysterectomy following an abortion and was seemingly about to embark on tell-tale memoirs. She mistrusted her agent Andrea Lesser as being greedy and was estranged from her parents.However Langton and Anna Travis are more interested in a crucifix found on the corpse and apparently not hers. The day before the murder Amanda told her stand-in she had been woken in the night by a woman's scream and her ex-drama school colleagues in the squat she once shared with them tell the police that she would silently scream in her sleep. Then one of them is killed.
The murder of young actress Amanda Delaney starts an investigation that uncovers on-screen tensions, a complex private life, controversial memoirs, and suspected abuse.
