逐梦姐妹 第三季Unge lovende Sesong 3(2018)

又名:Young and Promising

主演:Siri Seljeseth Alexandra Gjerpen Gine Cornelia Pedersen Laura Birn Ole Christoffer Ertvaag Kristin Jess Rodin Benjamin Helstad Bianca Kronlöf 

导演:Eirik Svensson / Patrik Syversen / 编剧:Mads Løken/Siri Seljeseth

逐梦姐妹 第三季:在线播放

逐梦姐妹 第三季:最新迅雷BT资源

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逐梦姐妹 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Elise tries to write for the TV and has high hopes when she lands a meeting with a production company. Nenne's book is celebrated, but on the private side things aren't just as successful.
