她和我Elle et moi(1952)

又名:She and Me


主演:弗朗索瓦·佩里埃 妲妮·罗宾 Jacqueline Gauthier 路易·德·菲奈斯 让·卡尔梅 诺埃尔·罗克韦尔 

导演:Guy Lefranc / 编剧:米歇尔·奥迪亚 Michel Audiard





Plot Summary:You never can tell. Jean had always been one of the most confirmed bachelors that kept swearing to anyone that would listen he would never put a ring on a female finger. But that was before he met Juliette, a capricious but irresistibly lovely young woman. Well, what else can you do when you fall dead in love with a creature of the kind? And too bad if their honeymoon proved catastrophic. To say nothing of their housing problems : what to do when neither husband nor wife has any money? How to build one's love nest when the housing crisis rages? How to get by when your wife has luxury tastes?...
