

主演:Pinto Colvig Margie Hines Jack Mercer 

导演:Dave Fleischer / 编剧:George Manuell





Plot Summary:The boys show up simultaneously to take Olive to the movies. She needs to visit the hairdresser first, and tells the boys to take care of Swee'Pea: bath, dress him, and nap. Of course, with these two, nothing is simple. Bluto tries washing him like a shirt on a washboard; Popeye fights him, and Swee'Pea sneaks off and starts playing with a pen. Popeye cleans him up again. Bluto wrestles with Swee'Pea's night shirt for a while until Popeye solves the problem. While they carry the tot up to his room, he gets set down on a railing, ends up in the fishbowl, and gets rescued again. In his room, he is put on the windowsill while the boys argue again; a quick rescue later, he's back in the room, in Popeye's arms, while Bluto is punching Popeye out (thus making him rock back and forth).
又是一个晴朗明媚的好日子,布鲁托(品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)和死对头兼情敌大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)不约而同来到一栋清新自然的住宅前。他们希望能约美丽姑娘奥莉弗(麦姬·海因斯 Margie Hines 配音)去看电影,两个家伙互不相让,吵吵嚷嚷按响门铃。奥莉弗欣然将二人让进屋里,不过在外出之前她需要去打理一下头发,因此拜托二人照顾一下顽皮的小甜豆洗澡、穿衣服和小睡。看起来这似乎是一项超极简单的工作,而且他们也都想在女友面前好好表现一下。于是乎,两个壮汉你来我往争夺小甜豆的照顾权,而意外也就这样不可避免地发生了……
