浪漫先生的希望之旅Hopeful Romantic(2015)


主演:Matt Zarley 武井乔治 Chuck Saculla Jolie Jenkins 

导演:Benjamin Pollack / 编剧:Matt Zarley/Andy Zulla





Plot Summary:"hopefulROMANTIC" is an original musical film about one man's emotional journey through love, heartbreak, and healing. It's a universal story about loving, letting go, and holding onto faith that there's somebody for everybody. It may sound like a somewhat familiar story....but what makes "hopefulROMANTIC" unique, is the way in which it is told. The nearly dialogue-free narrative is articulated solely through Matt Zarley and Andy Zulla's soulful pop score. Is it a music video? Not really. Is it a musical? Sort of. "hopefulROMANTIC" is best described simply as a love story....with music as its guide. Matt Zarley (The Romantic) co-stars with Chuck Saculla (The Boyfriend) , Jolie Jenkins (The Best Friend), and social media/pop culture icon, Star Trek's George Takei (The Mentor).
