Lana's Rain(2002)


主演:Oksana Orlenko Nickolai Stoilov 王洛勇 

导演:Michael S. Ojeda / 

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Lana's Rain:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:This powerful, hard-edged crime drama explores the dark side of the American immigrant experience and dares to ask, "How far would you go to survive?" Lana's only chance to escape the war-torn Balkans is her long-lost brother, Darko, a street-smart gangster with enemies intent on revenge. Isolated at first by her inability to speak English, Lana desperately hopes that she and her brother can achieve the American dream that she can only glimpse. But her illusions are shattered as she is forced to survive by any means possible on the mean streets of Chicago. As she gets pulled deeper and deeper into her brother's criminal world while a steely determination grows in her heart, lana must risk her own life to overcome Darko and his pursuers if she hopes to finally realize her dream.
