Il mondo le condanna(1953)


主演:阿莉达·瓦利 阿梅德奥·纳扎里 塞尔日·雷吉亚尼 克洛德·诺利耶 弗朗科·英特朗吉 劳拉·索拉里 

导演:吉安尼·弗兰西奥里尼 / 编剧:苏索·切基·达米科 Suso Cecchi d'Amico/迭戈·法布里 Diego Fabbri

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Il mondo le condanna:最新迅雷BT资源

日期 资源名称
2020-02-23 Il mondo le condanna (Gianni Franciolini, 1953)_PA

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Il mondo le condanna:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Renata, a prostitute, is expelled from France where she practiced the oldest profession in the world. Back in Italy, she tries to commit suicide but a rich engineer, Paolo Martelli, saves her life. Martelli, who is married to Maria, falls in love with Renata and he starts an affair with her. While Paolo tries to break up with his wife, the former prostitute finds a job with a fashion designer, but Mrs Martelli comes to her place of work to make a scene to her and causes her to be fired...
