
又名:错爱 / 毒爱 / 酷爱(港)

主演:权相宇 李枖原 金成珉 

导演:权溪泓 / 编剧:李侑真



Plot Summary:Na In Jung struggles with her love between the rather cold and rebellious Yong Ki and a successful businessman, Soo Hwan. Kang Yong Ki is a pop culture artist. He was separated from his first love, Jo Ann, and still carries the wound that he suffered from their relationship. His half sister is Joo Ran who is married to Soo Hwan. Soo Hwan begins an affair with In Jung but he only has ambition for the CEO position of Yong Ki's father's company. Soon after he discovers that his ambition does not fill the emptiness that he has inside and realizes he needs In Jung. But In Jung and Yong Ki have already fallen in love with each other. Will In Jung go back to her first love or stay with Yong Ki?
因为自己复杂的身世,姜勇基(权相佑 饰)养成了叛逆乖僻的个性。心中充满了压抑的痛苦的他将情感发泄到了艺术创作之中,最终成为了一名艺术家。因为从前失败的恋情,姜勇基封闭了心门,直到他遇见了名为仁静(李瑶媛 饰)的美丽女子。仁静是一名大提琴演奏家,她的温柔和体贴化解了姜勇基心头冻结的坚冰,可是,就在两人越走越近之时,仁静的前男友秀焕(金成洙 饰)的出现将一切美好摧毁殆尽。   为了不重蹈覆辙,姜勇基决定不惜付出一切代价来保护自己和仁静之间的“坏爱情”,而对于秀焕来说,姜勇基才是插足他和仁静的“第三者”。一边是深情满满的新欢,一边是曾经抛弃过自己的旧爱,夹在两个男人之间,仁静会做出怎样的选择呢?
