Fake News(2017)


主演:埃里克·罗伯茨 索菲亚·米洛斯 Martin Kove 托蕊·海金森 约翰·萨维奇 约翰·布莱斯·巴里摩尔 Tony Nash 杰西·科夫 乔恩·摩根·伍德沃德 Hovik Babakhanian 布兰卡·布兰科 戴维·迈克尔·波德里亚 萨缪尔·莫里斯 

导演:Craig Edwards / 萨缪尔·莫里斯 / 编剧:萨缪尔·莫里斯 Samuel Morris

Fake News:在线播放

Fake News:最新迅雷BT资源

Fake News:最新字幕下载

Fake News:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Maxwell Stern is a freelance reporter who writes for the politics rag. Some of his stories are true, some - Not so much. After a prostitute is murdered who was a source for one Maxwell's stories he finds himself over his head and potentially on the biggest story of his career. Now he just needs to stay out of jail, and alive.
Maxwell Stern is a freelance reporter who writes for the politics rag. Some of his stories are true, some - Not so much. After a prostitute is murdered who was a source for one Maxwell's stories he finds himself over his head and potentially on the biggest story of his career. Now he just needs to stay out of jail, and alive.
